Chalky Paint
A decorative paint known for its matte, chalky appearance, chalk paint is a popular choice for giving furniture and home decor a rustic, vintage, or shabby-chic style. Because it can easily be given a distressed look, chalk paint is ideal for those who want to add character and vintage charm to their home. Ready to give your dresser, chairs, or bathroom vanity the chalk-paint treatment? Here’s everything you need to know
Chocco – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Coastal – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Cobalt Blue – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Cold Stone – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Cool White – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Dirty Olive – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Duck Egg – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Girly Pink – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Golden Sun – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Lavender – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Mediterranean – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Pastel Blue – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Pebble – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Resplendent – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Slate – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Sparrow – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Super White – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Taupe – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Valentino – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Vintage White – 500 ml
R 133.00 -
Warm Plum – 500 ml
R 133.00